Saluda Basin Planning

Activities and reports on water planning in the Saluda River basin.


River basin planning activites in the Saluda basin were recently initiated under the guidance of the South Carolina State Water Planning Framework. Two public meetings were held on November 1st in Columbia, SC and on November 3rd in Greenville, SC to kick-off planning activities (presentations given at each meeting can be accessed on the meetings page). An overview of the South Carolina State Water Planning Framework was provided to the basin's stakeholders and applications to serve on the Saluda River Basin Council were solicited. River Basin Council members were appointed by SCDNR in February 2023 (see the council page for a list of members). Formal Council meetings began in March 2023, and meeting agendas, presentations, recordings, and summaries can be accessed here. Please visit this website for periodic updates and new information regarding Saluda river basin planning activities.

The next Saluda River Basin Council meeting is scheduled for August 21st, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (draft agenda available soon).

The Council will meet in-person with location to be determined. The meeting may be attended virtually as well. For meeting access information, please contact Scott Harder ( or Alexis Modzelesky (

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